
End of mercury retrograde 2020
End of mercury retrograde 2020

That moment in itself is called “coming out of shadow” and can also be a revealing time. It doesn’t jump directly to 33,000 feet but makes a steady climb until reaching cruising altitude, which translates into Mercury getting back to the position at which he originally turned retrograde. My favourite analogy for these times is to think of this as a plane taking off. So Mercury is now “stationary direct”, appearing to stand still in the heavens. Mercury turns retrograde for 3 weeks at a time, 3 times a year, so once every 4 months. Mercury made the turn from retrograde to direct motion just yesterday morning – We don’t have long lists of astrological aspects – planets aligning with each other, for good or ill – but we do have three major events. But it’s definitely a case of quality rather than quantity. You can find out more about Elisabeth’s work and read her current blog on her website:

  • Family lines, adoptions, blended families.
  • Children and parents – the North Node, karmic ties, children’s experience of their families, examples of big families and singletons.
  • The Sun/Moon and 4th/10th houses of the parents.
  • There is much to be learnt about ourselves through looking at our place in the family and family traits.

    end of mercury retrograde 2020

    Elisabeth writes –įamilies have astrological lines running through them which we can trace through parents, children and siblings. This course replaces the originally advertised title of Horary Astrology which will run on another occasion. ONE CHANGE TO THE SPRING SCHEDULE – WED 24 – 31 MAY THE ASTROLOGY OF FAMILIES – with Elisabeth Brooke 4 of 10 places available I’ll be announcing more details on this soon. These are allocated strictly on a first come first served basis, which means I need to receive your flight confirmation first. I’m always on the lookout for new rooms/studios to add to your options, especially ones on or very close to the beach. ACCOMMODATIONĪll accommodation is in the village of Nidri, walking distance to the main harbor where you’ll find most of the bars, tavernas and shops. I’m keeping an eye on things so if you want to be alerted to flight info just let me know and I’ll add you to my list. So it’s a bit of a lottery! But if you already know that you want to do a particular week it makes sense to grab your flight as soon as they become available. When they are they are usually very cheap as an introductory price but only for a very brief window of time, prices then start climbing up again and, historically, are high by the New Yr and then come down again in the spring. It’s still too early to book flights – eg Easy Jet’s current available schedule finishes on 7 May – but at some point in the next few weeks flights for at least the first half of next summer will be announced. If you’d like to receive the weekly blog straight to inbox on Monday mornings, it’s free, and you can either send an email address to me to be added to the mailing list or anyone can sign up from the website. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. The second half is going inward and letting go of it.”

    end of mercury retrograde 2020

    “The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego.

    End of mercury retrograde 2020